Monday, 3 November 2014

Five Hottest Trends in Search Engine Optimization

Changes in the google search algorithms:

By fighting against spam, black hat link building methodologies and dropped content farms which are intended to control search engine algorithm, google has come up with making various changes in its algorithm mainly aimed to eliminate such practices. Striving to include more value to the search users, google devised penguin and panda updates to the algorithms with hummingbird during the late 2013 and it is buzzing around 2014. The major intention of these changes is to crack down those sites having spammy content and links, thus insisting the website owners to concentrate more on offering high quality content which would be much valuable to the website visitors.

More importance on SEO for tablet and smart phone users:

The global popularity as well as proliferation of the internet enabled tablets and smart phones is a trend that the business owners must not take granted for by means of marketing value. This is a trend that has created a strong influence on SEO for 2014. It was revealed in studies that more than sixty percentages of online buyers utilize smart phone, while the other percentages of buyers own a tablet. This implies that digital marketers and business owners have to let their focus on making their site mobile friendly to reach out the growing market with their tablets and smart phones. 

Improved focus over location based search:

Location based search is a big factor for the success of SEO in 2014. Figures found from google places facts and stats referred, location based search at twenty percentages on google. Other report placed this figure at still high level especially for mobile phone users. It has been stated by report that fifty six percentages of the mobile online users access browsers from their tablets or smartphones for performing local searches. Hence the business owners, specifically local and small establishments can influence on these figures, to manage their website for getting local searches and to make good business in their localities. Toronto Designed SEO Company mainly focuses to improve the location based searches for their client websites.

More significance of authorship in the search engine ranking:

With google being the most popular and primary search engine which can predict the success of failure in your search engine optimization campaign, it is more important to consider focusing on google plus, especially in regards to the growing significance of authorship in the search engine ranking. Authorship offers users to make link with any content that is available in the internet which is developed by them to their google plus account directly.

Social media signal will impact search ranking

Social media optimization and marketing will play a major role in offering you with success in SEO. Since search engine algorithms are updated and changing, SEO success has emerged from absolutely getting a complete range of inbound links from different website, to concentrate more on the social signal influence. These signals indicate how the online users are interacting with you and to your content like comments, likes, shares, followers and industry influencer reference.

Whatever trend emerges and becoming popular in the online marketing world, business owners must remember to remain updated with course and persist to offer their targeted visitors with high quality and premium content.

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